
Giving everything to mod this survival horror into a computer fantasy.


GraphSail: IDE for open-ended invention pathfinding with graph neural networks.

Writing ECS Graphstar.

In the spirit of open source, feel free to read the draft, but be nice to me okay?



    Applying Machine Learning with Graphs CS224W to machine imagination for open source hardware.


  1. Financial Surplus-Sustaining Individiating Concurrent Engineering AI Team Deployment
  2. Synthetic Creature Bioengineering
  3. Generative Seastead Physically Based Simulation
    Volumetric Rendering Physics Based Deep Learning Evolutionary Neural Networks
  4. Book Simulation Game Engine
    Motion Diffusion LLM Efficiency Ghost Corpus, an IDE for writing fiction
  5. Consciousness and Time
    Computational Jungian Analysis WA-01LF
  6. Social Robotics
    Social Signals CS224N/SQuAD2.0



  1. BCI Analysis
    Ed Boyden Tiley Tree Method Erowid Neuralink
  2. Dynamic Environments-To-Think-In
    Dynamicland Neri Oxman MIT Software Design Group Creativity Enhancing Robots Physically Based Rendering Vulkan
  3. Building with Information
    MIT's Center for Bits and Atoms Classes OpenSCAD Open Source Ecology Integrated Learning FromSoftware
  4. Reconfigurable Computing
    Berkeley Computer Science 152/252A Brown EN2911X Reconfigurable Computing
  5. Retro Pixel Art
    MISTer GDC Vault NEC PC-9801
  6. Permaculture Robotics
    ROS Permies Soft Robotics Isaac Asimov's Robot Series

  1. Nanotechnology
    The Diamond Age Nanosystems by K. Eric Drexler EUV lithography
  2. Neuro Console Engineering
    Feynman Lectures on Physics MIT Medical Device Design Program RISC-V CPU/GPU on FPGA
  3. Post Scarcity Design
    Sougwen Stable Diffusion AI generated games with RLHF
  4. Death Mitigation and Resurrection Strategies
    Cryonics Engineering a Safer World by Nancy G. Leveson
  5. AI
    OpenAI Spinning Up BASALT Robot Brains Podcast Probabilistic Programming Languages Functional Analysis
  6. Adaptive Learning Tutor Design and Engineering
    Anki Research-Based Learning Memory Techniques


Tanking at the forefront of the open design movement to ensure

Open Source Ecology Postmortem